IBA (Important Birding Area)

Directions: From Port Angeles, follow US 101 west for 5.4 miles turning right onto State Route 112. Continue for 48.3 miles turning left onto the Hoko-Ozette Road. Then drive 21 miles to the Ozette Ranger Station and trailhead.

Ownership: Olympic National Park 

Trail Distance: 9.4 miles roundtrip loop including beach walking

Difficulty: moderate, boardwalks can be slippery when wet. Beach walk can be difficult to negotiate during high tides

Fees/Permits: National Park Entry fee or Interagency Pass

Notes: kid-friendly, dogs prohibited, water and restrooms available, camping and backcountry camping available 

Starting at one of the largest natural lakes in the state, hike a 9.4 mile triangular loop. Traverse saturated prairies, bogs, and groves of cedars and Sitka spruces. Then walk along reefs, sea stacks, tide pools, and silver strands of spectacular sandy beaches. Scout for whales, ancient Native-American petroglyphs and scores of bird species.

Look for common loons, belted kingfishers, bald eagles and ospreys at Lake Ozette. In the surrounding forests look for red crossbills, Wilson’s and orange-crowned warblers, vireos, northern goshawks, merlins, and various woodpeckers. Along the coastline watch for wandering tattlers, surfbirds, black turnstones, black oystercatchers, California gulls, glaucous-winged gulls, mew gulls, and Thayer’s gulls.


Cape Flattery


Quillayute River Estuary and Slough